MCR Active

MCRactive is a not-for-profit organisation promoting sport, health and physical activity across Manchester and encouraging all Mancunians to become healthier, happier and move more.

Established and overseen by Manchester City Council, MCRactive is responsible for showcasing and opening up access to the breadth of sport, health and physical activity opportunities we have across our city. We also work with the whole sport and physical activity sector to activate all publicly accessible sport, community, health and leisure facilities that exist across Manchester – not just those directly owned by the Council.

We aim to be the ‘go-to’ organisation in Manchester to conquer inactivity and improve healthy life expectancy. This is made possible by leading a unified voice, bringing coherence, simplicity and connectivity to the sport, health and physical activity landscape, whilst helping to translate and facilitate connections to other sectors and vice versa.

We encourage and facilitate genuine collaboration and co-design of services to get people active. We develop and share insight, helping to identify the strengths of organisations and sharing good practice across the network to help ensure the development of a workforce fit to deliver the strategy.

We align to Manchester City Council’s strategic ambitions and goals with the principles of good governance embedded across our organisation.

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Interested in working with us?

We are actively seeking new partners, opportunities for collaboration and innovative ways of working.  We can’t do this alone. If our plans, purpose and intent chime with you, please do connect with us and be part of our transformational movement.