I’m picking my feet up better and standing better.

Has given me motivation, maintaining mobility, and improved leg strength.

Improved confidence, not as reliant on stick, and improved fitness.

It gets you out, I’m benefitting from exercising, it gives me motivation, and my fitness has improved.

I’m benefitting therefore I’m determined, and it’s also good meeting people – we’re in it together.

Basically, we wanted to try and get people who were socially isolated to get them involved, get them meeting new people and moving on to other groups to expand on their support networks.

It is great to have a large indoor space to walk together, listen to music and chat, and also have the opportunity to rest when needed.

I’m feeling better and am more active, and people are noticing a difference.

It’s also made a big impact on my mental health and wellbeing.

I never thought I would find anything to replace my beloved hill walking, but I think I may just have found it.

Interested in working with us?

We are actively seeking new partners, opportunities for collaboration and innovative ways of working.  We can’t do this alone. If our plans, purpose and intent chime with you, please do connect with us and be part of our transformational movement.